The Magic Tree



               In Hungary their were two boys, one of the boys was called Jim.

The other was called Joe.

Joe had a mum. Joe’s mum was called Joanne.

Joanne every day spent her time with work.

Joanne one day told Joe to go and pick some apples.

Then Joe went.

When he got to the woodland then he saw apples everywhere on the trees. There were lots of apples.

In all the plants there were 100 apples on the except one tree the magic tree.

 Joe picked  20 apples and ate one of  them it (meant Joe  had 19) it is brilliant he ate another one then the  apple to gold.

He ran back to tell.


Joe said “I ate an apple and it turned to gold!”


excellent joke,” said Jim.


Next day Jim asked “Can I go?”


Joe said “Yes, you can.”


Jim ate from the apple and said “Super! I want to be an apple picker.”


When he said it, his clothes transformed.


“I just joke,” said Jim.


Joe said “It is an enchanted tree.”


Next day, Joe went and saw people saying “We are going to cut out the magic tree.”


Next day, Joe was running, he ran into the apple forest.  But he didn’t find the tree.  He found a core.  He put it into the ground and every day, it grew a slight bit.  When it grew into a tree, each one shouted “Yippee!”